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On July 23, 2024, an important seminar was held at Hotel Rose Blanche in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, to address the pressing democratic challenges facing West Africa. This seminar was organized by the West Africa DIASPORA/UREM CEDEAO and the private sector union in Côte d’Ivoire, under the auspices of the West African Democracy Solidarity Network (WADEMOS) and Centre de Recherche Politique d’Abidjan (CRPA), in collaboration with the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CPP-Ghana).

Objectives and Focus:

The seminar aimed to foster dialogue and cooperation among key stakeholders in the region to tackle the current democratic issues. A major point of discussion was the recent withdrawal of the Alliance of Sahelian States—comprising Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger—from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). This development has significant implications for the political stability and democratic processes within the region.

Key Participants:

The seminar brought together a diverse group of participants, including political scientists, policymakers, civil society representatives, and members of the diaspora. Notably, the Nigerian Community in Côte d’Ivoire was represented by High Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu, the distinguished President of the Nigerian Community in Côte d’Ivoire. His presence underscored the importance of inclusive dialogue and the role of the diaspora in addressing regional challenges.

Discussion Topics:

  1. Impact of the Sahelian States’ Withdrawal from ECOWAS:
    Participants explored the potential consequences of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger’s exit from ECOWAS. Discussions centered on how this move could affect regional security, economic integration, and democratic governance.
  2. Strengthening Democratic Institutions:
    The seminar emphasized the need to reinforce democratic institutions across West Africa. This includes ensuring free and fair elections, promoting the rule of law, and safeguarding human rights.
  3. Role of the Private Sector and Civil Society:
    Recognizing the crucial role of non-state actors, the seminar highlighted how the private sector and civil society organizations can contribute to democratic resilience and economic development in the region.
  4. Diaspora Contributions to Democracy:
    Special focus was given to the contributions of the West African diaspora in promoting democracy and stability in their home countries. Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu’s participation exemplified the diaspora’s active engagement in regional affairs.

Outcomes and Recommendations:

The seminar concluded with a series of recommendations aimed at addressing the identified democratic challenges. These include:

  • Enhanced Regional Cooperation:
    Strengthening collaboration among West African nations to address common challenges and promote democratic governance.
  • Support for ECOWAS:
    Encouraging continued support for ECOWAS and its initiatives to maintain regional stability and integration.
  • Engagement of the Diaspora:
    Leveraging the skills and resources of the diaspora to support democratic development and conflict resolution in their home countries.
  • Public-Private Partnerships:
    Promoting partnerships between the public and private sectors to drive economic growth and democratic governance.


The seminar on democratic challenges in West Africa was a significant step towards fostering regional dialogue and cooperation. It provided a platform for stakeholders to share insights, propose solutions, and reinforce their commitment to democratic principles and regional stability. The involvement of diverse participants, including diaspora leaders like Super High Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu, highlighted the inclusive and comprehensive approach needed to address the complex democratic issues facing West Africa today.

Côte d’Ivoire: African Integration / The Gbêkê Region hosts the 7th edition of the “Community Days.

This past weekend, Nigerian Community in Côte d’Ivoire under the leadership of Chief Micheal Emeka Onwuchelu participated in the 7th edition of African Integration/ Community Days at Bouaké in the Gbêkê Region of Côte d’Ivoire, a celebration aimed at fostering regional integration and cultural exchange among the diverse foreign communities living in Côte d’Ivoire. This initiative aligns with Côte d’Ivoire’s ongoing commitment to regional integration as a tool for development.

Event Highlights:

The event, organized by the Ivorian Office for the Promotion of African Integration (BIPIA), featured a series of activities designed to promote cultural interaction and unity. The opening ceremony took place on Friday, July 19, 2024, at KAMONIKRO field, under the High Patronage of His Excellency Mr. Amadou Koné, Minister of Transport and Mayor of Bouaké.

Key Activities:

  • Maracana Football Tournament:
    The tournament featured ten teams from ECOWAS countries, including Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Benin, Senegal, and Ghana. Ghana emerged victorious in a thrilling final, winning 3-2 on penalties against Guinea after a 2-2 draw in regular time.
  • Traditional Wrestling:
    This event saw participants from Niger, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Ghana, Chad, Burkina Faso, and Mali. The final was an all-Ivorian match, with Youssouf clinching the champion title against Yaya.
  • Blood Donation Drive:
    The National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS) of Bouaké led a successful blood donation campaign, managed by Mrs. Kouassi Akissi Antoinette Meir, with oversight from Mrs. Koné Mariame.

Statements and Acknowledgments:

Mr. Goli Louis Philippe, Director of Cabinet, praised the organizers for their efforts in making the day special and urged the community to uphold unity, solidarity, and peace for a successful integration. Dr. Moussa Mama, Director General of BIPIA, emphasized the importance of African integration and expressed gratitude to Mr. Abdoul Diarra Aziz, President of the ECOWAS Nationals in Bouaké, Mr. Sekou Kaba, President of UREM CEDEAO, Chief Michel Emeka Onwuchelu, President Nigerian Community in Cote d’Ivoire and all partners for their support.


The event concluded with family photo sessions, marking a successful first day of activities.

The Nigerian Embassy in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, Host Naija Diaspora Magazine Team

The Nigerian Embassy in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, recently had the honor of hosting the Naija Diaspora Magazine team, a visit that underscored the strong ties and shared goals within the Nigerian community abroad. The embassy expressed deep appreciation for the magazine’s commitment to connecting and inspiring Nigerians in the diaspora.

Warm Reception and Meaningful Engagement.

The embassy staff welcomed the Naija Diaspora Magazine team with warm smiles and genuine hospitality. The entrance hall, adorned with Nigerian flags and cultural artifacts, exuded a sense of pride and cultural heritage. This warm reception set the tone for a day filled with meaningful discussions and engagement.

Meeting with the Charge d’Affaires.

The visit’s highlight was a meeting with Mrs. Itam Akpama Icha, the Charge d’Affaires at the Nigerian Embassy. Mrs. Icha, known for her dedication to the Nigerian community, expressed her enthusiasm for the magazine’s mission. She shared insights about the embassy’s ongoing initiatives to support Nigerians living in Côte d’Ivoire and emphasized the importance of media in fostering a sense of unity and belonging among the diaspora.

Presentation of Letter of Recognition.

In a gesture of mutual appreciation, the Naija Diaspora Magazine team presented Mrs. Icha with a letter of recognition. This letter acknowledged the embassy’s unwavering support and its pivotal role in nurturing a strong, connected Nigerian community in Côte d’Ivoire. The presentation was a heartfelt moment, symbolizing the collaboration and shared vision between the magazine and the embassy.

Commitment from Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu.

Adding to the day’s significance, Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu, the President of the Nigerian Community in Côte d’Ivoire, pledged his commitment to supporting the Nigerian diaspora in achieving their shared goals. Chief Onwuchelu, a respected leader, emphasized the importance of unity and collaboration, highlighting how the community can work together to create a brighter future for all Nigerians in Côte d’Ivoire.

Reflections and Future Collaborations.

The Naija Diaspora Magazine team left the embassy with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude. The embassy’s warm reception and the discussions reinforced their mission to connect, inform, and inspire the Nigerian diaspora. The visit not only strengthened their bond with the embassy but also set the stage for future collaborations aimed at empowering the Nigerian community.


The Nigerian Embassy’s appreciation for the Naija Diaspora Magazine team’s visit and the letter of recognition presented to Mrs. Icha exemplify the strong partnership between the embassy and the magazine. With Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu’s pledge of support, there is a renewed commitment to fostering unity and achieving shared goals within the Nigerian community in Côte d’Ivoire. The Naija Diaspora Magazine team looks forward to continuing their work in showcasing the vibrant spirit and resilience of Nigerians across the globe.


Nig. community

Nigerian Community Paid a Courtesy Visit to the New Consul General of Nigeria in Cote d’Ivoire

The end of one era, marks the beginning of another. Familiarization visit to the new Consul General of Nigeria in Cote d’Ivoire Mr. Paul Obi by Nigerian community in Cote d’ Ivoire.

The president of the Nigerian Community in cote d’Ivoire, high chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu with some commune chairmen and central executives, on 20th November 2023, paid a courtesy visit to the new Consul General of Nigeria in Cote d’Ivoire, Mr. Paul obi and his assistant Mrs. Mildred Princewill, at Nigeria embassy Plateau.

The visit was to welcome the new Consul General, pledge loyalty to him and let him know that the Nigerian community under the leadership of high chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu, is ready to co-operate and work together with him, for the welfare and good of all Nigerians living in cote dI’voire.

Nigerian community entourages were warmly welcomed by the consul, Mr. Paul Obi and his assistant Mrs. Mildred Princewill. He appreciated Nigerian Community kind gesture to pay him a courtesy visit and look forward to good working relationship with the Nigerian community, under the leadership of high chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu and his executives.

May God be with the new consul, give him and his team, also the Nigerian community, the wisdom, grace and all they need to protect the interests of Nigerians in Cote d’Ivoire. Amen


God bless Nigerian Embassy Cote d’Ivoire

God bless Nigerian Community in Cote d’Ivoire

God bless Nigeria

God bless us

Addressing the Menace of Human Trafficking: Preserving Nigeria’s National Image

Human trafficking is a grave global issue that not only threatens the fundamental rights and dignity of individuals but also tarnishes the reputation of nations involved. As a Nigerian community residing in Cote d’Ivoire, it is our responsibility to educate our fellow Nigerians about the harrowing impacts of human trafficking and its adverse effects on the positive image of Nigeria as a nation. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted dimensions of human trafficking and emphasize the need for collective efforts to combat this menace and restore Nigeria’s reputation.

Understanding Human Trafficking

Human trafficking refers to the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons through force, coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation. It is a criminal act that strips individuals of their freedom, subjecting them to forced labor, sexual exploitation, and other forms of abuse. Traffickers often prey on vulnerable populations, including women, children, migrants, and refugees, exploiting their dire circumstances for financial gain.

The Devastating Consequences

  1. Violation of Human Rights: Human trafficking is a gross violation of human rights, denying victims their basic freedoms and subjecting them to inhumane treatment.
  2. Physical and Psychological Trauma: Survivors of trafficking experience severe physical and psychological trauma, leaving lasting scars on their well-being.
  3. Economic Burden: Trafficking perpetuates a cycle of poverty by exploiting individuals who are often seeking better economic opportunities. However, instead of improving their lives, victims end up trapped in exploitative situations.
  4. Undermining National Image: The involvement of a nation’s citizens in human trafficking tarnishes the nation’s reputation on the global stage. It fosters negative stereotypes and erodes trust in the country’s governance and rule of law.

Impact on Nigeria’s National Image

Nigeria, a nation with a rich cultural heritage and immense potential, suffers significant damage to its image due to its association with human trafficking:

  1. Media Sensationalism: International media often highlights cases involving Nigerian traffickers, leading to a skewed perception that all Nigerians are involved in such activities. This portrayal fails to acknowledge the vast majority of Nigerians who contribute positively to society.
  2. Diminished Trust: Human trafficking erodes trust in Nigeria’s ability to effectively address crime and protect its citizens. It can lead to reduced foreign investments and tourism, affecting economic growth.
  3. Diplomatic Strain: Nations where trafficking victims are exploited or transported may view Nigeria unfavorably, straining diplomatic relations and collaboration efforts.
  4. Stifling Development: The negative image associated with human trafficking can hinder Nigeria’s development prospects by deterring partnerships and collaborations with other nations.

Taking Action As Nigerian Community Administration In Cote d’Ivoire

  1. Raising Awareness: Educate fellow Nigerians about the dangers of human trafficking through workshops, seminars, and community events. Empower individuals to recognize the signs and report suspicious activities.
  2. Supporting Survivors: Collaborate with organizations that provide assistance to trafficking survivors. Offering vocational training, psychological support, and legal aid can aid in their recovery and reintegration into society.
  3. Strengthening Legislation: Advocate for stronger anti-trafficking laws and their effective enforcement. Stricter penalties for traffickers and improved protection for victims are essential.
  4. Empowering Youth: Equip young Nigerians with skills and education to minimize their vulnerability to traffickers. Promote programs that offer viable opportunities within the country.


Human trafficking is a reprehensible crime that not only inflicts immeasurable suffering on its victims but also severely damages Nigeria’s national image. As a Nigerian community in Cote d’Ivoire, it is our duty to combat human trafficking by educating our fellow citizens, raising awareness about its devastating consequences, and actively participating in initiatives that prevent and address trafficking. By doing so, we can contribute to restoring Nigeria’s positive reputation and fostering a society that values the dignity and rights of every individual.

Courtesy Visit: Ivorian Government Officials Meet Executives of Nigerian Community in Cote d’Ivoire

Coted’ivoire government officials (BIPIA) BUREAU IVOIRIEN POUR LA PROMOTION DE L’INTEGRATION AFRICAINE, led by the Director Oumar Ndiaye Syillah, meet Nigeria Community in Cote d’ivoire led by High Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu, at the Nigerian community house in Treichville, Abidjan on 11th October 2022.

The President of Nigeria Community in Cote d’Ivoire, High Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu, and his Executives received the delegates at the office. His Excellency, Nigerian Ambassador to Cote d’Ivoire, Mr. Martin Adamu, was represented by Consul Olufemi Damilola Abikoye

The visit was to identify with the officially recognized president of Nigeria Community in Cote d’Ivoire, High Chief Michael Emeka Onwuchelu, and his Executives. How to work together for better integration of Nigerians and other African countries in Cote d’Ivoire. That will lead the countries to unite in a regional framework, in criteria such as promotion of trade, culture, protection of human rights, environment, and other programs that will benefit the countries.

Photo sessions

The Nigerian Community in Cote d’Ivoire has rejected calls for the recall of the Consular Officer

The Nigerian Community in Cote d’Ivoire has rejected calls for the recall of the Nigerian Consular Officer in the country’s capital, Abidjan, Mr Damilola Olufemi Abikoye.
The Consular Officer, Mr Damilola Olufemi Abikoye is a man of integrity who has been working assiduously and should be commended for his unalloyed cooperation with the current administration of the Nigerian Community.
The allegations against Abikoye were unfounded and poorly thought out, the community claimed in a statement signed by its President, Chief Emeka Onwuchelu, and Secretary, Izuchukwu Dike-Ononiwu.
“On Consular Identity Card, it is the responsibility of the Nigerian Embassy to dictate the mode of identification for its citizens in Cote d’Ivoire, the decision to change from an analogue to a biometric one lies solely with the Embassy,

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War Against Child Trafficking

Press Conference of the fight against Human Trafficking and forced prostitution by the Nigerian Community in Côte d’Ivoire under the leadership of Chief Onwuchelu Michael Emeka .

Victory at Last

The process often starts with a planning stage in which plans are prepared by an architect and approved by the client and any regulatory authority. Then the site is cleared, foundations are laid and trenches for connection to services.

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